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The Tale of Zulma

Guide Lonk on his adventures as he rescues First Daughter Zulma! Use the arrow keys to move, Z to attack and interact, and X for a secondary attack.

The Tale of Zulma is a work in progress! Please send me any comments and bug reports.

Some thoughts on the project

I had worked with Unity before, but this was the first project I managed to pull through to a place where I was satisfied enough to call it "done". It is just a demo, not a full game, but I got to a point where continuing work on this project was more a matter of content and design than of actual code, so I wrapped the project up and moved on.

Working on this project I learned how Unity works, its main concepts, and how a workflow with the engine actually looks like. I also learned how to use some of specific features of it; tilesets and tilemaps, animations, and ScriptableObjects to name a few.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the outcome of this project. I wanted to see if I could learn Unity by myself and make a simple game, and I managed to do it. The work was pretty fun, and adjusting gameplay based on player feedback was very rewarding.

Finally, some credits: the art is by ArMM1998 on OpenGameArt, with additional art by myself and JoaquĆ­n Godoy, who actually can draw. Music is by Kevin MacLeod, and sounds (alongside most of the interesting bits of the game) are of course shamelessly ripped from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

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