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Use the mouse to move and click or space to shoot a new ball.

LIGHTBALL is a work in progress! Please send me any comments and bug reports.

You can download this game for Windows. It runs smoother, plus it looks and sounds a bit better without the constraints of the browser.

Some thoughts on the project

In order to continue experimenting with Unity I made LIGHTBALL, an Arkanoid clone. Because the actual game mechanics are simple and mostly known I could concentrate on the implementation details, which concerned most of the new things I wanted to try. Also, since the visuals are abstract lights and shapes, I was able to rely almost entirely on myself for them. My friend Joaquín Godoy created the only non-trivial model — and did a fair amount of playtesting. I tried my hand at creating the sound as well, and I'm proud of how that came out.

In this project I tried out things I hadn't worked with before, like custom shaders, procedural generation, and Unity's physics system (just 2D in this case, since the gameplay is confined to a single plane). All the sound of the game is procedurally synthesized on the engine itself, although Unity doesn't support this on HTML5 so I had to fall back to using sound samples (bummer).

The current version took me about two months of work, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I learned a lot about game design, shaders, sound, and Unity's """quirks""". I'm currently working on another iteration of it, mostly concerning the graphics and porting to Android, so stay tuned!

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